Many experts in the field recommend tailoring your resume to the specific job you are applying to. This is great advice, but for this site, I've included a more "base" model of my resume (see below). I have included two styles as well, mainly for automated systems to parse the resume.
Have held clearance in the past.
TLDR for those skimming:
Software Engineering: 10 years
Systems: 10 years
UX Design: 5 years
Teaching Experience: 5 years
AI / ML: 1 year
Leadership Philosophy
A good leader enables. As a leader, my primary goal is to enable and empower those who report to me. I believe that my role as a manager is to create an environment where work can be accomplished effectively and efficiently. I strive to minimize unnecessary meetings, avoid micro-management, and provide the right level of oversight to each individual worker.
A good leader is a servant. I embrace the concept of servant leadership, recognizing that no job is beneath me. I lead with humility and a willingness to roll up my sleeves and dive into any task or challenge alongside my team. I prioritize being accessible and available, adjusting my schedule as needed to provide undivided attention and support to those who need me.
A good leader communicates. I believe in maintaining open lines of communication with my team members through regular 1:1 meetings and check-ins. By fostering a culture of continuous feedback, I ensure that there are no surprises during performance reviews and that everyone is aligned and engaged in the work they are doing. These regular interactions also help in keeping projects on track, identifying any potential issues, and ensuring that goals are being met.
The buck stops with me. I take full ownership of the outcomes and results achieved by my team. With a high degree of communication and collaboration, I am aware of any slipping deadlines or scope creep, and I hold myself accountable for any missed deadlines. The buck stops with me, and I am committed to addressing challenges head-on and finding solutions to keep projects and deliverables on track.
My Goals
Become a technical leader at any job I find myself doing.
Develop strong managerial skills to drive the creation of exceptional products.
Continually enhance my expertise in front-end and back-end application development.
Something I've created as a proof of concept for another app I'm working on is a pre-screen survey for recruiters. This is by no means necessary, but helpful for me to keep track of different positions I am offered. Feel free to fill out the survey or just email me at if you would like to connect.